Monday 22 April 2019

Don Giovanni and an Easter memory

I recently blogged that, while I never had a birthday on Easter itself until yesterday, my family did celebrate my birthday on Easter when both were close, for practical reasons. One of the memories I have of it, and one of the fondest birthday and Easter memories I ever had, was on Easter 1987, which was on the 19th of April. We had brunch at my godfather's restaurant, where I also unwrapped my presents. Among them, I received  Don Giovanni by Mozart in vinyl. I was over the moon as, believed it or not, I had asked for it. Back then, buying a whole opera in vinyl was a big thing, it was an expensive thing, so I felt both spoiled and incredibly privileged, like I was deemed capable of appreciating grownup stuff. I remember proudly telling one of the waitresses that I received an opera, and she congratulated me. I think she found me very cute and probably very naive (not to mention geeky as Hell).

So I spent the whole evening listening to the first act ( listened to the rest the next day) and reading the libretto from back to back. It was not a very good translation, i discovered it later, but I got the gist of the story and I was completely taken by it. I cannot think of a happier birthday memory and a better present. Anyway, since that day, I associate Don Giovanni to Easter and this time of year. To commemorate, here is one aria from the opera, in a production that may or may not be the one I had, but it is from about that time period. With Dame Kiri Te Kanawa singing Ah chi mi dice mai. You can't go wrong with her as Donna Elvira.


  1. I remember when a boxed set of opera LPs was a big deal, too! That's a wonderful memory for you to have.

  2. i do love opera. what a nice birthday that was.
