Tuesday 5 March 2019

Moody teas

I found this image recently on the Facebook page of David's Tea. I decided to share it on this blog because I thought it was brilliant. Finding a tea to match my mood is also something I do already, so I am glad to know I am not completely bonkers doing this. At the moment, according to this list, I would choose the Organic Silken Pu'erh, because I feel so very, very gloomy. Read this post for the reason why. But I guess I'm often gloomy. I don't think I ever drank that Pu'erh, in fact I am not sure I drank Pu'erh, period, but I have a feeling this particular tea would do me the greatest good. And you, what would be the tea for your mood and why? Of course, it does not have to be a tea listed in the image.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a creature of habit so I drink the same tea all the time -- whatever it is that I'm obsessing about at the moment. For years I drank nothing but Stash Chai tea, then I switched to Tetley Earl Grey for a few more years, and now all I drink is Murchie's Symphony Blend.

    I hope your cold is starting to get better!
