Tuesday 13 June 2017

Wolfie and the sheep

Last Sunday at the regatta, there were a number of displays, among them some mini-zoo or animal garden or whatever you call it. Basically a place with farm animals: goats, ponies, rabbits, ducks, hens, etc. We thought it would be a great experience for Wolfie to see real animals in the flesh so we went there. Here he is with me holding him, watching the sheep display. He was very much fascinated. The goats were maybe his favourite, but we could not get a good photo with them. But I thought this one was sweet so I decided to share it here.


  1. awwww...so cute! it seems the sheep was equally as interested in wolfie!

  2. You can see how raptly attentive he is even just from the back of his head, lol!
