Friday 2 October 2015

Sinister Jack O'Lanterns

This is a quick countdown to Halloween post. I took this picture at the supermarket on Mont-Royal Avenue. These Jack O'Lanterns (I always use capital letters) have been there since the end of September. One thing I love about Montreal is how early signs of Halloween start showing. The Plateau Mont-Royal is one of the most atmospheric places I have celebrated Halloween. Anyway, regarding these jacks, nice, aren't they? Wrinkly, with malevolent smiles and malevolent eyes. I wish I could have bought one to bring it home. Sadly this will not be the case. I'd love to see one of them with a fire in it. At least I could share them with you on this blog.


  1. the Jack O'Lanterns are the best I've seen, what a face!!!!
    very scary!

  2. I love the Jack O'Lanterns, the expressions are amazing! You have a very nice blog. Bonjour de Montreal, Canada! :)

  3. @Laurie-They are great. I might try to do something similar this year for my own Jack O's.
    @Linda-Merci de visiter et commenter sur mon blogue! Où l'avez-vous trouvé? J'étais encore à Montréal pas plus tard qu'hier.
