Thursday 28 May 2015

Happy Birthday Ian Fleming!

I was reminded of it today: 107 years ago Ian Fleming was born. Yes, you know him. He is the father of James Bond. As a Bond fan, both of the movies and the novels, I had to mention it on my blog and commemorate it. Fitting with the birthday, it has been announced today that Anthony Horowitz will publish this year a new Bond continuation novel, Trigor Mortis, set after the events of Goldfinger. I like the title, but care little for continuators. They are IMO glorified fanfic writers. Ian Fleming wrote James Bond, period.

And I thought you might be interested to learn how he came up with the name. Here is an abstract of an interview he did for CBC:

1 comment:

  1. How interesting about the name! I agree that it should end with the last IF book.
