Monday 31 October 2011


"A gypsy fire is on the hearth,
Sign of the carnival of mirth;
Through the dun fields and from the glade
Flash merry folk in masquerade,
For this is Hallowe'en!"

Happy Halloween everyone! I am not sure what to say about this one. It is here too soon, in a way, I have been thinking about it since August, yet I feel like I did not prepare it enough. Halloween always comes both too late and too soon, and it always leaves too soon. But I am enjoying it anyway. The flat smells of pumpkin and candle, the Jack O'Lantern is smiling at me. He better does: I wrote his story. And I did my good deed of the night. As it is difficult to write more about Halloween especially since I have literally turned this blog into a Halloween shrine for the last two months, I thought I would just leave to my readership this anonymous quote, which I found in today's Nemi strip in the Metro. Nemi always has the right word, or finds it.

And for those who have time for a little bit of spooky fiction, here is a short animated film made by Michael Dougherty, titled Season's Greetings, which was the prime material for this movie. It is full of atmosphere, spirit, it also has a neat little twist at the end. My last, modest contribution to your Halloween 2011.