Friday 15 July 2011

Planning a lazy weekend

It is going to rain, rain, rain this weekend, over all England and the UK. Temperatures will be autumnal, or so they said on the news. We barely had a summer so far (after April that is, which was surprisingly summery), but I am welcoming the rain and the nasty weather. I often do when I feel tired, especially in this attic flat which can get unbearably hot during summertime. I have been very busy at work since April, weekends never come soon enough. So for this one, I want to do nothing, to be unproductive. Well, unproductive might not be the right word. Carefree? And yes, wasting my time in hopefully a somewhat productive way. I want to read, blog watch movies and just catch my breath until Monday comes.


  1. Hello Guillaume! I haven't been able to visit you very often these part weeks, but always thinking of you! I look forward to cooler weather too...for a while. But it's wonderful waking up to sunshine and warmth. have a restful weekend xo Rachel

  2. We are on the same page, happy restful weekend!

  3. Moi ça va être de la paresse aussi, post-opératoire. Mais j'ai l'excuse du post-op, et le 2 semaines de congé de maladie du médecin (mais je ne le prendrai pas tout, vraiment, je suis pratiquement remis déjà).
