Thursday 26 August 2010

M.R. James

I watched yesterday evening this BBC documentary on M.R. James. The treasures you can find on youtube. I can also find many BBC adaptations of his ghost stories, which I will eagerly watch in the upcoming months. The documentary was so good that I decided to put it here. My small readership knows my admiration for M.R. James . There are many reasons for it, many of which you can know the documentary. M.R. James was also an academic, which I used to be in another lifetime. I love the way he turned familiar environments into unsettling nightmarish ones. As we are slowly getting closet ot autumn, I am getting more in the mood to read his stories.


  1. Il me reste une histoire de fantômes victorienne à lire avant la sienne dans le recueil d'Oxford. Je vais essayer de la lire pendant que je suis à Montpellier, peut-être à la plage, comme l'une des personnes de ce documentaire suggère...

  2. Je crois que M.R. James se lit mieux dans un salon les soirs d'automne, avec du thé. L'expérience n'en est que plus terrifiante et plus plaisante.
