Sunday, 2 March 2025

Face to face with Carmilla

Is it too early to think of Halloween and get in a spooky mood? Is it? Because if it is, I can't help it: fate makes me think of my favourite holiday. I was going to the local bookshop yesterday when I suddenly stumbled upon... Carmilla! Not the vampire, but the novel about the famous vampire. So yes, I was stopping by the bookshop,minding my own business, when I saw this. Okay, so I own already at least two versions of Carmilla, including the full anthology : In A Glass Darkly. So I behaved and did not buy this one. However tempted I was. And even though I am not so sure Le Fanu's most famous work can be classified as a "dark sapphic romance". Surely, it is first and foremost a solid, classic gothic horror story! I know it has a lesbian vampire in it, but that doesn't make it a romance. Be that as it may, I did not buy it, but what a cool cover! And suitably orange, which makes it perfect for Halloween. I almost regret not buying it. Almost.

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