Tuesday 23 July 2024

More Ghost Stories?

I saw this book during one of my trips to the local bookshop a few months ago. I came this close to buy it, just because of the really nice spooky cover (and yes, I know about the haunting it refers to) but thankfully I did not. Not because I don't like of E.F. Benson, but because it struck me that I have his complete works somewhere. Worse: I have started reading the book. So I was about to foolishly buy a book for its cover. Silly me. All the same, as time goes, I am getting in a spooky Halloween mood and will start soon to read ghost and horror stories. But it's not like I have nothing scary in my TBR list. What about you?


  1. But for no cost at all, you can have a photo of that cover on your blog forever!

  2. It is an interesting ghost story. Someday I hope to do a spooky tour of the UK.
