Monday 26 February 2024

Missed blogging anniversary

 Quick post today, just to mention one thing: I missed my blogging anniversary, which was yesterday. I missed another birthday, then another from the day before, but these two are for two different posts. So anyway, it baffles me, but I missed my blogging anniversary. I have been blogging since the 25th of February 2008. Blogging is a lost art, on social media it looks bleeding ancient, but I happen to love it, so I try to feed Vraie Fiction regularly. So yes, that's it really.I feel like I missed my own birthday.


  1. Happy belated blogoversary! Yes, blogging is not the craze it used to be, that's for sure. Only the die-hards are left now.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your blog! I love blogs and there are still lots of good ones out there. I admire your ability to post daily in two languages!
