Saturday 24 February 2024

Foggy Morning

 Life is a bit uneventful these days, so what do I do when I blog? I blog about the weather, of course, like a true Englishman. Anyway, this morning, I saw a fairly rare occurence: it was foggy. Or misty, I am never sure if it is thick enough to qualify as fog or mist, but here it is. I have seen foggier days of course, but gosh I love the fog. Sadly, it was gone by midday. I did not even have the chance to walk through it. But it was a nice sight while it lasted.


  1. We've been getting a surprising amount of fogginess here too this winter, especially in the mornings.

  2. Being a Maritimer, I love fog! Nothing like the sound of a foghorn in the distance. We tend to get more mist than fog where I am in the Midlands, but I'm happy with that too.
