Wednesday 18 October 2023

The Ideal Pumpkin Patch

For today's countdown to Halloween post, I will blog again about the romcom graphic novel Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks. Sort of. I wrote a post about it on the 6th of October this year. The book has a map of the pumpkin patch where the story is set and I find it the ideal pumpkin patch for Halloween. Sadly, this place does not exist, although I understand it has been based on existing ones. Wolfie is fascinated by it. It's a perfect setting for a love story for Halloween freaks like me, but I find it almost wasted. It could be the perfect setting for a scary story as well. All the same, here it is for you to enjoy. What attractions are you most curious about?


  1. we have endless pumpkin patches here. they are just everywhere.

  2. There's a great pumpkin patch just north of Edmonton, with lots of things to see and do for kids/families. This is their busy time of year, of course. I'm not sure if they also have a corn maze, but they probably do. Those are very popular at Halloween as well.
