Sunday 12 March 2023

The world's most expensive teddy bear?

We went to London yesterday. We did not visit many places, but at the last minute we decided to make a quick trip to Hamleys, one of its most famous toy shops. Wolfie loved it. I did too, although I found it a tad too crowded. One of their floors had lots of plush toys and I stumbled upon this man size, or maybe should I say bear size teddy bear. I was very impressed at first glance, then I had a good look at it and I was scared. Not because he looks nasty, but because of the price tag: £4,000. That might be the world's most expensive teddy bear. Be that as it may, he's very impressive.


  1. What brand was the bear, did you notice? Brands like Steiff and Merrythought can get really price.
