Friday 13 January 2023

Friday the 13th of January

So today we are Friday the 13th of January. I hope nobody among you is superstitious. Friday is Friday, whatever the date it is, so for me it cannot be all bad. It is the first of two Fridays the 13th this year, so if you don't like it, you might take solace in the fact that it will be out of the way early on. And January is an unpleasant month for many anyway, so it might as well has its 13th be on a Friday. Otherwise, I have little to say about it, except that I tend to mention every Friday the 13th on this blog, just for the sake of it. I am not superstitious, but superstitions do interest me, if that makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. Friday the 13th is a day sacred to the Divine Feminine, so it is bad luck only for those who denigrate and subvert her energies.
