Friday 18 November 2022


As we are getting into this time of year when I used to play board games quite a lot as a child, I was thinking to check if there were any classic board games to buy for Wolfie for the upcoming holidays. And I thought about Parcheesi. I think it might have been the very first board game I owed when I was a child. I vaguely remember my father buying us one. And I also remember liking the look of the board, because it had some fancy exotic house in the middle, but being otherwise bored to tears about the gameplay itself. So we made up our own rules as we went, then stopped playing it altogether. But maybe I misjudged it. Anybody among you ever played it? Is it worth playing? Did I misjudged Parcheesi as a child?

1 comment:

  1. We played parcheesi when I was a kid, but I don't remember a damn thing about how it was played! I just remember the colourful board and tokens that got moved around somehow. I suspect dice was involved as well.
