Tuesday 7 December 2021

Have a Pagan Christmas

'Tis the season to be... well, a lot of things, but maybe Pagan is the right word. Anyway, I found this meme online and found it hilarious, because it's pretty much how I feel when I get irritated by people talking of Christmas being a Christian holiday (which often implies: "it should be exclusively Christian and no godless heathen should have fun on our Most Sacred Day.") So yes, in these moments I feel like that weird promitive, tribalistic Santa Claus and yes, I feel animated when I have a few alcoholic drinks in the stomach.


  1. All the Christmas traditions have pagan roots except perhaps the nativity. So I think the if the Christian want to make it their,s they need to ditch their trees, wreaths, and presents.

  2. A Merry Yule and Festive Saturnalia to you and yours!
