Sunday 31 October 2021

Happy Halloween 2021!

Happy Halloween everyone! You see here not a Jack O'Lantern, but a banner which was a gift from Halloween afficionado Wendy the Very Good Witch. I haven't heard from her in years, so please if you are reading this Wendy, thank you for your generosity and I hope to hear from you again some day. I always put this banner up (now that we have a wall where it fits). Halloween this year is on a Sunday, a pretty good time for it, so we have a whole weekend to be spooked. I have been and will be busy this weekend, but I will try to blog again on my fabourite holiday. Have spooky fun everyone and stay safe!


  1. i've wondered where wendy went too. it's so nice that you still display that banner! happy halloween to you and wolfie!!!

  2. Happy Halloween! Enjoy this special day! So glad that Wolfie is now firmly in the Halloween Lovers camp!

  3. 🎃 Happy Halloween! Enjoy the day! 🎃
