Sunday 12 September 2021

This September so far, in a nutshell

 I was wrong to be optimistic about autumn being early and cold. This September has been hot, way hotter than August, we even had a bit of a heatwave last week. Thankfully, it does get cooler in the evenings and we have some colours showing up in the trees. Still, I feel like this strip of the comics Sarah's Scribbles, who seems to love autumn as much as I do, and like me considers September to be the beginning of autumn. In any case, this comics resumes my state of mind right now.


  1. we had a 3-day tease and now we are going to be almost 90 for all of next week and maybe longer. damn!

  2. Hahahahaha, that cartoon! I love her stuff too.

  3. Wake me up when September ends...
