Monday 19 July 2021

When Summer is Hell

So far, we'd had a fairly cool summer, a bearable one and I was counting my blessings. But of course, you can't have what I would call a nice summer, i.e. a summer that does not feel too summery, forever. Since last Friday and moreso during the weekend today, we've been having scorching heat. Now is the time for discomfort: I feel like I'm covered in swet, then I feel sticky due to suncream and I bloody hate eerything about now. French poet Arthur Rimbaud wrote a poem called Une Saison en Enfer (A Season in Hell). Well, right now it is my season  in Hell.


  1. welcome to my world. now try cooking in it.

  2. We've just come through a two-week heat wave and now we're blanketed in smoke from forest fires in BC.
