At the preschool of my son, they sometimes go to "forest school", which is a special day when they go in a nearby piece of woodlands do special activities and look at nature. My son loves it and is always enthusiastic when it is a forest school day. Last week when he went, one of his classmates said that theremight be some monsters in the woods. Wolfie said, asservatively: "No, there is no monster in the woods, monsters are just pretend". I was quite proud of this new Wolfism. It means that even though he has a wild imagination, Wolfie is not superstitious. At his age, I did not think there were monsters in the woods, but I was not so sure about it.
Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Good for Wolfie! He cut right through the BS!