Sometimes people have memories of the strangest andmost trivial things. A friend of mine (well, not a very close friend, just an acquaintance really from back when I was a teenager) commented on one of my Facebook posts yesterday, where I was plugging this real crime book that Interpol had not caught him yet. He then asked if I remembered. I said vaguely and he told me that back in the days, I joked that Interpol was on his case. Apparently, he still finds it funny. I do remember saying this, but I don't remember much if any of the context. So a few random observations: 1)I must have been drunk, 2)my obsession with police and crime news is not new, 3)it shows how socially inept I have always been. I mean come on, a joke about Interpol! 4) Be thatas it may, I should have taken notes then, because I'm sure there's agood story to invent with Interpol involved somehow.
Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Always keep one step ahead of the cops, that's what I say.