Thursday 7 January 2021

What is Fascism

I have never read his novels, but I did read a few of his essays and since he died in 2016 I have been missing the academic and intellectual that was Umberto Eco. Today he is more relevant than ever, because he wrote once a list of 14 characteristics that define fascism. You can read about them in this article. 14 characteristics, each and everyone of them fitting perfectly the sitting Swine in chief. All I am going to say about the revolting events of yesterday, when that fat oaf and wannabe Mussolini tried to achieve his coup d'état with the help of his pathetic cultist bullies, is that should not have come as a surprise. And that he should be deposed, like the fascist wannabe tyrant that he is.


  1. The whole ugly episode reminded me of Hitler and his brownshirt thugs.

  2. just now the speaker of the house asked for pence to take trump out using the 25th amendment. he has to go.
