Tuesday 12 May 2020

My wife won a cake

Well, she did, just not this year. I wanted to blog about it for a while, but never got down to it. So anyway, last year, we went to a local fête for charity organised on the premisse a primary school nearby, where my wife used to work. There were a few stands, some with food, some with drinks, some with special activities and my wife knew some of the people organising them. One of the stands was selling cakes and we could also win one caramel cake if we could guess accurately its weight. You can see the cake on the pictures here. Its icing was covered with question marks, which was a nice touch.

Anyway, as I was saying, my wife knew a lot of people involved in the fête and this stand was no exception: the ladies organising it were very happy to see her, to ask about how she was doing and how was Wolfie (as it is always the case they were very excited about our son) and so on. They were also eager for us to participate to their competition. We had to choose one weight among many choices on a list,there were some left and they were very strongly implying that the right choice was still available. I suspect to this day that they wanted us to win it because they really liked my wife and found Wolfie so very, very cute. In any case, they not so subtly suggested a weight which my wife chose and it turned out to be the right one. So she won the cake. Veggie Carrie does not like caramel much, ironically enough, so Wolfie and I ended up enjoying it more than her. And we can't remember how much it weighted. It will remain a mystery for the ages.


  1. "The fix was in!" Glad she won, though, the cake looks delicious!

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