Tuesday 19 May 2020

First chips

My dad sent me this picture. He made chips (what Americans call fries, but I have decided to use the term used in my country of adoption). No it might sound like absolutely trivial, but it is the first chips he made outside this year. And my father makes the best homemade chips (no seriously). I wish he had sent me pictures of the final product, so you could appreciate the look of it (and this post would have been proper food porn), but you can find a pic of the kind of chips he made here. These days, I am really in the mood to eat proper homemade chips.


  1. He's careful to do his deep frying outside on the patio, I see. Very wise!

  2. i would love to know how he makes them. does he par boil and then refrigerate them before frying?

  3. Thank you for commenting. @Jaz-I will ask him for more details, but I don't remember him refrigerating them.

  4. I’ve never made chips, myself, though I enjoy cooking. I do understand why you prefer home made, but I get my comfort food chips at a fish and chips shop. Those are the real thing too.
