Wednesday 11 March 2020

Italy during the Plague

I am a tad melodramatic, but judging by the news, this must be how it feels like in Italy while the coronavirus is running wild, or so it seems. I asked my friend, who lives in the lovely city of Bergamo how she was and I learned that while she and her family was OK, the city itself had been like under siege, as cases of infections was high. So she is working from home with two young boys (one a few months older than Wolfie, the other two years younger). I am glad they are OK in any case, but I am worried about them. It struck me that my life as an expat, while giving me friends from all over the world, also made me far more touched by such catastrophe. Saying that this is a small world may be a cliché, it is nevertheless true. I have been wanting to revisit Italy one day, but this is always something for the future. I was thinking of seeing my friends and have her sons and Wolfie meet and maybe become friends, in spite of the language barrier. It seems as things are going, it will not be any time soon.


  1. It's so eerie to see the footage of all the empty streets and deserted famous places in Italy.

  2. Il y a des risques de pousser le système de santé à ses limites, ce qui crée un danger réel pour la population avec un taux de mortalité augmenté par le manque de service.

    Le travail à la maison est recommandé à la shoppe (et je serai confiné à travailler chez nous pour un mois) pour les mêmes raisons: l'isolement social est de mise, surtout avec le système de santé byzantin américain.
