Wednesday 4 March 2020

"Bear & Monsters Adventure Tours"

I bought this shirt for Wolfie in Morrissons. It is their home brand of clothes and it is cheap (I think this cost me something like £5, maybe less), but it's good value for money. And I really like this shirt, which I find very cool and so very Wolfie. Because it has a bear and monsters driving a tractor in a forest. And the tractor is sentient. On top of that, they are going on an adventure, it says so on the door (which can be opened, so it's an "interactive" piece of clothing). "Bear & Monsters Adventure Tours". I don't think you can have a shirt that is more like my son than that. Every time we go somewhere, whether it is on a long journey (like the bear and the critters on the image) or a day out somewhere, I try to make him wear this one. I know it is silly.

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