Wednesday 29 January 2020

Trolls (or ogres?) in hiding

I blogged before about our visit to the Crich Tramway Village in Derbyshire, one of my favourite places there. Now, a few meters away from the village, there was a long pathway in the nearby woodlands, where you could walk. And there were lots of wooden sculpture and other alongside the pathway, including these monsters which you can see here, these kind of ugly looking creatures hiding underneath boxes or treasure chests.

Now I am not sure what they are meant to represent, but my money would be on trolls. There was a bridge nearby, for one, and they have the deforme and grotesque look of trolls. Beside, of all the humanoid monsters, trolls are the ones closest to nature and these were literally crawling off the some underground hideout. They could also be ogres, although I always imagined ogres more at least somewhat more civilised. Be that as it may, it was as if we were stepping in a fairytale or n old legend and they were the adversaries we had to overcome before carrying on our journey. I envied Wolfie for a moment, because he could still use these monsters in his make belief games. He did not seem scare of them, by the way. Or that much impressed. But I still think they were absolutely as scary as they were lifelike.

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