Saturday 12 October 2019

Danse Macabre (with visual listening guide)

As is a tradition every year for my countdown to Halloween, I share on this blog a version of  the Danse macabre by Camille Saint-Saëns. I try to give a different one every year, this time I came up with one with a visual guide, explaining as you will see what every bit of music represents. I knew it as a child and remembered the details fairly well, but it is quite nice to watch and very instructive anyway. As you can't have an Halloween season without a Danse Macabre, here it is for you to enjoy for Halloween 2019.


  1. Fabulous - just love this piece of music. It was fun to discover what it all meant.

  2. thanks for this! i really enjoyed it! so much fun! this month is going by way too fast!
