Monday 26 August 2019

Shadow of a Panama hat

Well, summertime is back and with a proper heatwave. I hope it does not last long. So to try to endure the hot weather, we all wore hats yesterday. I borrowed from my in-laws a Panama hat. I know it's a Panama hat because it says so on the label. With shades, it makes me look properly badass, like a character from a spaghetti western or something. Well, maybe not that much, but it does look cool, even for me who does not have a "suitable" head for hats of any kind. So anyway, I took this picture of my shadow yesterday. I couldn't resist. This gives the most mundane setting and circumstances some sense of drama.

1 comment:

  1. Well, don't you (or more accurately, your shadow) look natty in that panama hat! How do you look in a fedora? Give it a try sometime.
