Sunday 25 August 2019

Seasoned travelers

We are on holidays to visit my wife`s parents and Wolfie`s grandparents. Yesterday evening, after hearing the story of our long journey to them, with three changes of train until we reached the airport, my mother-in-law said the sweetest: "You are now seasoned travelers, taking very long journeys with many connections and all this with a little boy." This was very kind, although I don`t find us that admirable: we only have one child, some families have to take the same kind of journeys with a whole troop of children. Nevertheless, there is some truth in what she said and I wanted to share it here as a new great unknown line.


  1. Have a wonderful visit with family!

  2. I always feel for parents at the airport wrangling small kids and loaded down like sherpas with all the kids' necessities.
