Sunday 30 June 2019

Giant Snakes and Ladders

Today we went to a little fête for charity nearby. There were some games for children, including this giant version of Snakes and Ladders. It is pretty much the same as the normal board game, except on a large scale and with some squares having extra variables (move an extra space, double roll of the dice next time, etc.). Nobody was playing, so Wolfie had some fun running around the board and throwing the dice. My brothers and I used to play Snakes and Ladders a while ago, it was one of the first board games we ever played I think. It gets old quickly, like all games based on pure luck, but I always loved its imagery, with menacing hissing snakes. Some Snakes and Ladders boards can look almost scary. I think the enjoyment of the game comes from the board itself, not the simplistic gameplay. When Wolfie is old enough, I think I will find one good set of Snakes and Ladders.

1 comment:

  1. I played Snakes and Ladders as a kid too (55 years ago). And it was an old game then. I wonder when it was invented? Probably a gazillion years ago.
