Wednesday 22 May 2019

Snake hopscotch

I have never been a big fan of hopscotch when I was a young kid. I guess I thought it was a bit too girly. But s few weeks ago I found this sort of hopscotch in the playground of one of our local parks and I thought it looked really cool. I say hopscotch, but I have no idea if it is truly this game or a different one. Or how it can be played. I just like the fact that it's a snake. It looks cool and menacing, like a gigantic python or an anaconda with devilish eyes sliding on the ground. I think it could easily scare young children, but I wish I had such snake in the playground of my neighbourhood when I was growing up.


  1. Looks like fun, whether it's hopscotch or not. I was a big hopscotch player when I was a kid. Talking about making your own fun! All you needed was chalk, a sidewalk and a rock. You could keep yourself amused for hours.

  2. This isn't hop scotch it's just a number snake for learning to count.
