Thursday 23 May 2019

Feeling vindicated

Tonight, I voted at the European elections. My wife was not sure we should bother, but I told her it was important, so we did. There is another reason why I wanted to vote, why I want to vote to every election in my country of adoption. You remember I mentioned earlier this year a former colleague of mine in my current job, who was an arrogant jerk, a bully and whom I nicknamed the Snake. As I mentioned in that post, the Snake was a perfect embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect, an ignoramus who had more opinion than wisdom or knowledge to back them up. Back when we were on somewhat speaking terms and we were discussing politics (which means he asked me my opinion so he could bulldoze his own in retort), I told him I was pretty much a "free" voter in this country, affiliated to no party. He said: "But you cannot vote you're an immigrant". I replied that as a permanent resident and a citizen of the Commonwealth, I could vote in UK elections. I could have leave it there, but I was not too happy about his dismissive attitude. So I asked him if he understood what the Commonwealth was. He replied: "Not interested." Which means he had no clue. So tonight, I thought about that conversation and felt vindicated.


  1. Ugh, you must be so happy to be rid of him. What a jerk!

  2. don't you just love people that are so opinionated and clueless at the same time! good for you for voting.
