Friday 19 April 2019

The Fish & Chips of Good Friday

Well, it is (and soon it was) Good Friday, and since I could not get proper Montreal bagels to go with smoked salmon, I had to go for the best local aquatic delicacy: fish and chips. Old traditions must make way to "new" ones. That said, I am very lucky when it comes to fish and chips: we have a local chip shop that makes great fish and chips. So this is what I had tonight (I decided to share the picture to create a food porn moment). The cod was large size. I was afraid to grow hungry otherwise. Fish and chips really put the good in Good Friday.


  1. i also had fish and chips. your's looks very good.

  2. Je ne pourrai pas faire du pâté à la truite ce soir mais ç'aurait été une option viable pour le Vendredi Saint. Mais ta gargotte locale de fish n' chips vaut-elle le King Fisher de Keswick? Là est la question.
