Tuesday 4 December 2018

It's not a natural tree...

...but it will do for this year. So anyway, we made the Christmas tree last Sunday. I thought the sooner the better, especially since we are stuck with an artificial one this year. We have had natural ones in the past years, sometimes, but this way before Wolfie's birth: because of his car seat, we cannot carry a natural one of a decent size in the car. I had forgotten how small our Christmas tree was. And how it smells of nothing. That said, I cannot complain too much, as putting it up was a real joy. Mainly because of Wolfie. At two, he is far more conscious about the Season and far more active than before, so he really, really, really had fun putting the decorations on. Or rather, bossing me around to put them wherever he wanted them to be.


  1. It's a lovely tree that has helped to create precious memories. That MAKES it a real tree!

  2. it doesn't matter. it's a tree and lots of people don't put them up. wolfie is happy and that is all that matters.
