Tuesday 11 December 2018

I, Secret Santa

This Friday, we will be doing Secret Santa at work. I thought I'd escape it with my new job (I say "new", but I have been in this job for a year and a half now). I am not too keen, but I guess it does build up team spirit. It certainly brought some excitement in the office, with the younger female part of the staff wondering who was whose Secret Santa and what presents were they to expect. It is a small company, about a dozen employees, so with a bit of investigation someone can find out who bought what for who, although as the staff is made of a majority of women in their mid twenties to early thirties, it might make things a bit more challenging. I have been asked over and over again by the girls what I wanted for Christmas. The price range for the gifts is between £5 to £10. I bought a small notepad at around £6, with a beagle on it, as my colleague is a dog lover and beagle owner. I wonder what I will have. Maybe another mug, which although unimaginative is always useful. I might blog about it again, if it is worth another post.


  1. At my workplace, we had a strict "NO MUGS" rule at Christmas. They're the easy default gift and after a while, you end up with a gazillion of them. All Christmas-themed, of course.

  2. my son had a party at work today and i made a basket of maple syrup, maple cream and all kinds of maple product. a friend from quebec won it and was thrilled! it made me very happy.
