Saturday 6 October 2018

"Dadda woooo!"

Quick blog post for today's countdown to Halloween. I might blog again, if I have time. But I thought I would give you a little anecdote about another Halloween critter: the ghost. I try as much as I can to give my two year old son a bit of my spooky disposition, so every time I closed the curtains in the evenings, I do a "woooooo!" like a ghost. I have been doing this for a few months now, it is a sign that it is bedtime. So now he says "woooo!" too when the curtains are being closed or the light go off. But funnier than that, and sweeter, he started calling me "dadda wooo". And even then, I cannot really explain how sweet it sounds. So now I am "dadda woo" and I doubt he will be scared of ghosts.

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