Friday 16 March 2018

The Italian sandwiches

As my readership knows, every Friday I treat myself for lunch with a sandwich made at the local sandwich shop, to celebrate the end of the working week and the beginning of the weekend. This has been the case for my current job and the previous one, albeit obviously the local sandwich shop is now a different one. Back in my old job, when the sandwich shop was closed, I used to go to an Italian grocery shop nearby that was also making sandwiches. Simpler and much cheaper sandwiches. Basically, some cold meats and cheese slices of your choice. Nothing fancy, but delicious in its simplicity. And as the staff was genuinely Italian, I could speak a bit of Italian too. Going there was a treat in every way.


  1. Looks yummy. We need to treat ourselves after a long week of work!

  2. I really like that you have a weekly event you do. I think it is good for morale to have something to look forward to each week!

  3. that is a great tradition! i love sandwiches. i make my daughter's boyfriend sandwiches for his lunch every day. he was paying 8.00 a day to buy one and they weren't even that good.
