Thursday 16 November 2017

Demeter... or maybe Ceres?

I am blogging again about yesterday's topic, this neo or pseudo classic sculpture I saw in Derbyshire. I mentioned that it was probably the Greek goddess of harvest and agriculture Demeter. But it could just as well be Ceres, its Roman equivalent. I say equivalent, but Greek and Roman deities are never quite the same and not always even related: Romans associated their gods to the Greek ones, but one could question this association. I always preferred the Greek gods to the Romans's. I always found the Greek ones far cooler, same as their mythology. All the same, some people get lazy and just give gods Roman names, which always gets on my nerves. So my money is still on Demeter for this one, out of principle.

1 comment:

  1. Ceres is still Demeter, as far as I'm concerned. I've always preferred the Greek gods too. The Romans were just too lazy to come up with their own set.
