Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
It was the birthday of a friend yesterday. She turned forty. Just like I turned forty this year. And then wishing her happy birthday it struck me: they all turn forty these days. All my friends from college and uni, the friends I kept in contact with, the friends I am still friend with. I am not merely stating the obvious here. I mean of course I will find more people I know and love getting older as I get older and obviously friends of my generation are about my age and thus the same big numbers show up on my Facebook feed the same year. But still I am conscious about our mutual age. It felt like an epiphany yesterday, seeing yet again that number. It was a bit of a memento mori too.
Yeah, you're all middle aged now. Let the mid-life crises begin!