Wednesday 23 August 2017

Mozart, Wolfie and me (and Mozartkugeln)

I will start this post with a great unknown line that I said today. At work, we have the radio on, but I generally prefer to listen to music on YouTube, it helps me concentrate better than whatever pop song is trendy. As the boss disliked one song playing, she asked for a change of station. One of my colleagues who knows my love of Mozart told me: "Could be worse, could be Mozart". To which I replied: "Don't talk against Mozart, he makes people smarter." He laughed and admitted that it was a good come back line. You see, even if he does not like Mozart, he knows about the Mozart effect and says it worked or might have worked on his own kid.

So I listen to Mozart at work and I listen to Mozart at home. As you know, I also share this with my son. Especially if my wife is out and we have a boys' night in. A couple of months ago, she was out for the evening and we listened to Mozart while I stuffed myself with Mozartkugeln. Wolfie was not bored at all, in fact although I have no idea if he truly enjoyed the music, he seemed fascinated by the chocolates. I thought it was because he had a sweet tooth and already knew the chocolates were sweet... But a friend on Facebook observed that it was most likely the crinkly shiny wrappers. Still, he associates Mozart with fun and shining stuff. He is still a bit young for Mozartkugeln, but I will make him try some one day soon. And until then, dear readers, I share here the Symphony No. 41 in C Major of Wolfgang (not Wolfie), also known as Jupiter.


  1. i love mozart and mozartkugeln even though i am not a fan of candy.

  2. Je l'ai déjà dit, mais la symphonie Jupiter (nom apocryphe) de Mozart est tellement mieux que le mouvement Jupiter de la suite des Planètes de Gustav Holst.
