Monday 15 May 2017

Touch wood...

As my French readers know already, I might have a new job already, after this one finishes, if everything goes well. I had an interview last week, the easiest one I ever had, and it went very well. So much so in fact that they said at the end of it that they were going to offer me the job. They did so, officiously, but I will wait until I receive a formal offer and sort out the transition from one to the other to celebrate. At the moment, I am touching wood. I don't want to jinx anything. But I am fairly confident. Like I said, I never had such an easy interview. It lasted two hours and a half instead of two and in the end we were already discussing where my desk would be (I chose something facing a window). As for the job itself, without giving too many details now, it will be a lot of work and responsibilities, but also it will make me progress professionally. And the commute should improve slightly. So I am very eager to start.


  1. Great news! But yes, you are wise to get the formal offer in your hot little hand before celebrating.

  2. I am so happy! Crossing my fingers for you!
