Tuesday 27 December 2016

Still the season to be reading...

Christmastime is on its last leg and soon it will be New Year, a time that gives me a fair deal of melancholy. All the same, as the season is still going, I thought I would plug one last book to read for Christmas. As you probably don't have time this year, maybe you can read it for Christmas 2017. But anyway, Deon Meyer's Icarus was my main Christmastime read of 2016. In fact, it is still my Christmas read: I have a few pages left of it. Like the season, I want it to last as long as possible. The story is set during Christmastime in South Africa. Which means that there is no blood on snow for this Yuletide read. We often forget that for half the world, Christmas happens in summertime and often in heatwaves. All the same, it has many things a seasonal novel should have. Alcohol for instance, with police officer and recovering alcoholic Benny Griessel not recovering anymore and back on the wagon, as he must investigate the murder of an internet entrepreneur specialized in adultery. The most unsavoury sides of Christmas are all there all right. And you can never go wrong with Meyer. Oh and there are two characters named Guillaume (not one as I had mentioned here). It makes it all the more interesting for me personally. But in any case, this is a great Yuletide book.

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