Saturday 3 December 2016

A Child's Christmas in Wales

'Tis the season to be reading and as tonight's countdown to Christmas post, I have decided, as I do every year (and will keep on doing for the upcoming weeks, Yuletide being a reading experience on this blog), to plug a book. I recently bought at the local bookshop A Child's Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas. I had seen it before and had wanted to read it for a while. The title says it all, yet reveals fairly little. This is account of yesterday's Christmases that mixes dream-like moments and fabrications from an imaginative mind with reality. Like all nostalgic accounts of childhood memories should be. Our past is not what it was as much as what we remember, or wish to remember of it. Especially at Christmas. There are a few eerie moments, as the season has its dark sides. Overall it's an account full of affection for a place, a time and its people. A must read.


  1. Maybe it's because I'm Welsh, maybe it's because Richard Burton reading this is the most incredible experience but this is a must read every Christmas in my cottage. So happy you enjoy it {I especially like the Useless Presents!}

  2. I'd like to add this book to my collection! Hoping all is going well with the young one! Best of greetings for the season.

  3. This book sounds wonderful! Thank you!
