Monday 19 September 2016

Woodland theme

I blogged about the subject before in French: in a moment of inspiration, my wife and I had the idea that our little Wolfie would have a woodland themed bedroom. And, in extension, a lot of the objects we purchased for him, from the car seat to the feeding cushion, also started to be woodland themed. The car seat you see here has for motives trees and foxes.The funny thing is, the bedroom has not been painted or truly prepared yet, as our little wolf is sleeping the first few months of his life in his parents' bedroom. But when it is, expect it to be in a forest fitting a little wolf cub.

I don't know if my parents-in-law have told friends and family of our decorating project, but we were surprised to find in the mail this present, which wrapping paper was also woodland themed. It had trees, mushrooms, bears, foxes (always foxes, with their lovely fiery colours), badgers and others. It is very autumnal, which is also fitting, as we have an autumn baby. Anyway, I found the wrapping so pretty that I took a picture of it and decided to share it here. I am a very enthusiastic new dad.

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