Saturday 30 July 2016

My bro in Chicago

My brother PJ is off for a few days in Chicago for a conference (I think). I don't know he will be doing touristic stuff much, but I envy him. In recent years, I guess many people consider Chicago the city of Barack Obama. For someone interested in the history of organized crime, it is also and especially infamous for having been the city of Al Capone. I have never been in the US, which is downright shameful as I used to live so close, but I have been wanting to visit Chicago more than any other American city. Back in 2009, my wife and I considered going there for our holidays, but we chose Vancouver instead. I think we took the right decision: she does not share my interest for true crime stories. So anyway, my brother is there, or will be at some point today, and I hope he will share many pictures.


  1. You've never been to the States? Not even to cross-border shop, LOL?

  2. Chicago, c'est plus cher que Vancouver en touriste. Mais si j'ai manqué Boston et Seattle en faveur de Vienne et Prague, je ne pouvais qu'aller à Chicago pour JSM.
