Saturday 23 April 2016

George and Will

Today is a particularly special day: it is both Saint George's Day and William Shakespeare's 400th death anniversary (and also it is believed, the date of his birthday). Today's Google Doodle could not choose which English icon to celebrate, so it was an homage to both: the Bard and some of his most famous plays in the middle and George on the left with the dragon he killed on the right.As usual on Saint George's Day, I uploaded the Doodle here. So today, read about the legend of Saint George, drink an English beer (plenty are named after St George and/or the dragon he slayed) and of course, of course, read or watch Shakespeare.


  1. In North America, today's Google Doodle contains only the Shakespearean part.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
