Wednesday 13 April 2016

Cat in a box

I thought I would not blog about Domino so soon after my last post on the subject, but sometimes circumstances and a good (well, somewhat good) snapshot forces me to turn Vraie Fiction into a feline blog again. Anyway, I am trying to clear up the mess that are my bookshelves these days, trying to pack the books to lessen the amount of work when we have to move out. So I found this single Amazon cardboard box to fill it with some books. Apparently, we are really low on cardboard boxes, of all things. I was too quick to throw the ones we used to move in to the recycling, years ago. But anyway, before I could fill it, Domino got really curious about this new box. Our cat loves cardboard boxes, like all cats apparently. So he jumped in there, sat in it, looked around as if he was in a tower. He stared at me looking at him for a while, nut not enough so I could take a good picture. This is the best shot I could take. Domino looks so darn adorable, even when he is naughty.


  1. You can NEVER have too many photos of Domino for me! My cat HRH loved cardboard boxes too.

    And just to answer your question on my own blog today, no, those violent bunnies are not photoshopped images but are actual marginalia from illuminated medieval manuscripts (now often located in the British Museum). For example, the 4th one is from the Gorleston Psalter (1310-1324). Here's a fun article on such (often irreverent and bawdy) marginalia --

  2. cats and boxes...they were made for each other!

  3. thats a great photo and thy do love boxes,, or bags,,,ours always loved bags too,
