Tuesday 29 December 2015

The LGB train

This might be the last Christmas related post of the year. My father sent me many pictures of the Christmas tree via Dropbox, among them these two. I think this might actually be the thing I miss most about the the family's Christmas tree: the LGB model train at its base. It is by far the most loved and enduring Christmas present my brothers and I ever had.

This is more than an elaborate ornament: the train and what has been added through the years as part of its surroundings is a complete seasonal ecosystem. There used to be only the train and a few houses made of fabrics my father bought at a Christmas fair. Now there is a Playmobil station, a few extra houses, a water tank, a while menagerie made of sheep, lamas, one Scottish ox, dogs, three teddy bears and so on, also a whole staff of railway workers and now passengers. It is truly a game for all ages and I have no shame playing with it as if I was still a child, inventing adventures for the characters on display. Next time I will be home, I will ask my father if we can put the train on display for my godson and his sister. You know, so they can enjoy it too.


  1. haha...a sign of the times. i saw the LGB train and i assumed it was lesbian, gay and bi train.

  2. Amazing train display! I love it!

  3. That looks fun! How nice that they still set it up every year!

    My Dad and brother had a train set up in the crawlspace of our house in Dollard des Ormeaux. I remember there was a mountain tunnel and I think the mountain was snow covered with little pine trees. And there was a small town with a train station at the other end...I think.

    Happy New Year!

  4. I love the display, but I admit I clicked this post to read about the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual train :)
